PSYCH 312: Social Psychology

Exam #1 Study Guide [Fall, 2011]

Chapter 2: The Self in a Social World


What is the spotlight effect?

What is the illusion of transparency?

What is the self-concept?

Describe schemas.

Describe self-schemas.

Describe the self-reference effect.

Describe possible selves.

Examples discussed in class and in your textbook?


How does the self-concept develop?

Examples discussed in class and in your textbook?


 How does culture impact our self-concept?

What is the difference between the independent and interdependent construal of the self? [that is, individual versus Collectivism?]

Interdependent Self:

 What is self-esteem?

What is self-efficacy?

What is learned helplessness?

What did early researchers find when working with animals?

o Examples discussed in class and in your textbook?

What is locus of control?

What does it mean to have an internal locus of control?

What does it mean to have an external locus of control?

With what positive outcomes is an internal locus of control associated?

o Examples discussed in class?

What is the self-serving bias?

Why are we motivated to protect the self-concept?

Why is the self-serving bias adaptive?

Examples discussed in class and in your textbook?

* we excuse our failures and except credit for our successes, we see ourselves as better than average

o What were the findings of the Arkin and Maruyama (1979) study discussed in class?

What is unrealistic optimism?

How do information deficits and information neglect explain why we are unrealistically optimistic?

Describe the McKenna and Myers (1997) study discussed in class.

*  Most drivers believe themselves to be safer and more skilled than the average driver.

What is the false consensus effect?

What is the false uniqueness effect?

Describe self-handicapping.

Be sure to review the Chapter 2 quiz.